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Noisy Mining Equipment Silenced with Sonic Curtains


Loud Pump Drive Noise Belts






Western Australia

Equipment Silenced with Sonic Curtains

Initial project requirements:

Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines (KCGM) employees were suffering. Their pump drive noise belts were vibrating and making disturbing noises.

Worse, the noise created was above the permissible criteria for that location. KCGM needed to reduce the noise so that workers could be around the pump without using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Without a solution to reduce the noise to an acceptable level, to remain compliant KCGM would have to replace the pumps at a cost of thousands of dollars.

Instead of replacing the pumps, Flexshield’s Western Australian representative intervened with a high-quality solution: the Flexshield Sonic Curtain.

Sonic curtains are specifically made to reduce noisy equipment emissions to the government’s regulated decibel time exposure allowance (85dBA/8hr) and thus avoid prosecution, litigation claims, and employee harm and discomfort.

Flexshield solution:

Flexshield’s Sonic Curtains reduced the noise to a level where employees can now work without PPE. KCGM’s employees were so excited by the effect of our Sonic Curtains that they sent us this video to demonstrate how well our product silenced the pumps.

If you have a problem with noisy mining or industrial equipment, Flexshield’s highly qualified team can supply the solution. Call Flexshield on 1300 799 969 for noise control solutions.